Economy: prospectionBashkortostan is one of fundamental Russian regions with highly developed socially-oriented market economy. Among other subjects of the Russian Federation, the republic economy is distinguished by diversified system with high level of integrated development, powerful industrial potential presence, developed agriculture and construction, multiple natural resources, actively developed financial and crediting and scientific and technical areas, various social infrastructures. The leading international agencies confirm our investment stability. According to the data of the rating agency «Expert RA», the Republic of Bashkortostan is among the 11 Russian regions with the most stable and qualitative investment climate during 12 years of rating analysis conducting. Today, the Republic of Bashkortostan is acquired long-term credit ratings, appropriated by the international rating agencies «Moody’s» and «Standard & Poor’s» with the rating «BA1» (stable forecast) and «BB» (positive forecast) accordingly. The integral management system of social and economic development was formed in Bashkortostan, based on complementary methods of long-term and medium-term social prediction and programming. The basic reference points and ways of social and economic development for long-term period was determined on enhancement of efficiency, competitive ability, innovation susceptibility providing economic structure diversification and significant increase of export potential and growth of innovation economic constituent, increase of science intensive and advanced technology products, stimulation of new technologies. Realization of scientific and technical potential in the republic will help to provide the transition to innovation-oriented economy. As a result, there should be efficient increase of quality in people’s life up to international standards. The development perspectives of the Republic of Bashkortostan is based on cumulative potential and possessed competitive advantages as the presence of large-scale enterprises and technologies in fuel, chemical and petrochemical industries, mechanical engineering that has export constituent and substantial share of internal market; wide mineral resources and raw stock; retained potential and high production activity of large-scale agriculture sector, its developed multiform structure, temperate climate, favorable conditions; stable finance system, low level of cumulative debt; auspicious investment conditions; presence of developed multiform scientific and educational sector, high educational and professional level of labour resources of Bashkortostan; vested system of effective cooperation with Russian regions and Commonwealth of Independent States; working social politics, priority development of social infrastructure of the republic. There are more than 50 wide investment projects developed in Bashkortostan, and their realization would stimulate the development of new economic sectors and accumulation of innovation resources. Among important investment projects are the production of new competitive world-wide tractor of medium class with the power of 150-200 horsepower for agriculture sector; the organization of new generation trolley bus production, that will differ in energy saving operation factors, reliability, safety, and comfortable conditions; the construction of transformer plant «Electrozavod», providing production based on leading international technologies; project on doubling of terephthalic acid and polyethylene terephthalate production capacity at OAO «Polief», delivered to the country from abroad. The realization of planned objectives of social and economic development of the republic will help to consolidate our leading position among other country regions, increase economic efficiency and provide substantial improvement in the quality of people’s life.